
How Did Arms Control Agreements Contribute To Reducing Tensions From The Arms Race

Presidents Bush and Gorbachev shake hands in front of American and Soviet Flags
Presidents Bush and Gorbachev shake easily at the end of a press briefing about the peace summit in Moscow, 31 July 1991.

© Corbis / Peter Turnley

Origins of the Arms Race

In August 1945, the The states accepted the surrender of Japan after the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 4 years later, on August 29, 1949, the Soviet Wedlock detonated its own nuclear device. With the development of jet aircraft, both superpowers gained a greater ability to deliver nuclear weapons into the interior of the opposing land. The official nuclear policy of the United States became 1 of "massive retaliation", which chosen for massive attack against the Soviet Union if they were to invade Europe, regardless of whether it was a conventional or a nuclear attack.

Past the early 1950s American foreign policymakers knew that the Cold State of war was here to stay. Communism seemed on the move, almost dramatically with the North Korean invasion of June 1950 that began the Korean War. Western policymakers believed countries at run a risk from Communist aggression might autumn if their neighbors succumbed, like so many dominoes: if one country was lost to the Communists, then as well would be the next, and the next.

Evolving means to deliver nuclear weapons led the United States to develop a strategy of three complementary means of delivering nuclear weapons to target, what became known as the "Triad." The nuclear triad consists of landlaunched nuclear missiles, nuclear-missile armed submarines and strategic aircraft with nuclear bombs and missiles. Having a three-branched nuclear capability eliminated the possibility that an enemy could destroy all of a nation's nuclear forces in a kickoff-strike attack; this, in plow, ensured the credible threat of a devastating retaliatory strike against the aggressor, increasing a nation'southward nuclear deterrence.

Mutual Assured Destruction

By the 1950s both the United States and Soviet Union had enough nuclear power to obliterate the other side. Both sides developed a capability to launch a devastating attack even later on sustaining a start strike from the other side. This policy became known equally Common Assured Destruction : both sides knew that any attack upon the other would be devastating to themselves, thus in theory restraining them from attacking the other.

Both Soviet and American experts hoped to use nuclear weapons for extracting concessions from the other, or from other powers such as Red china, but the run a risk continued with using these weapons was so grave that they refrained from brinkmanship. While some, like General Douglas MacArthur, argued nuclear weapons should be used during the Korean War, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower opposed the idea.

Both sides were unaware of the details of the capacity of the enemy's armory of nuclear weapons. The Americans suffered from a lack of conviction, and in the 1950s they believed in a not-existing bomber gap. Aerial photography later revealed that the Soviets had been playing a game with their bombers in their military parades, flight them in big circles, making information technology appear they had far more
than they truly did. The 1960 American presidential election saw accusations of a fictitious missile gap between the Soviets and the Americans.

Détente and Disarmament

Having spent incalculable resources constructing their respective nuclear arsenals, earth leaders later on spent much of their time and free energy in efforts aimed at reducing the risks of nuclear war.

Disarmament was i such attempt. Presidents Nixon and Ford participated in the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks which led to the Salt I and SALT 2 Treaties in the 1970s. The Salt I Treaty too put limits on numbers of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and submarine launched ballistic missiles. The subsequent SALT II Treaty placed additional limits on nuclear arsenals and slowed, simply did non cease, the artillery race. A slowing of the arms race and a reduction in nuclear armaments had to wait until the early 1990s and the terminate of the Cold State of war.

As the political and economic structure of the Soviet Union crumbled during the belatedly 1980s, the lengthy Cold State of war menses came to an end. The Solidarity motion in Poland, a reform eff ort which began in Poland'due south dockyards and spread into a national call for political and economical alter, highlighted the new spirit of innovation sweeping through Eastern Europe. By the end of the decade, the Berlin Wall roughshod, Frg had been reunified, and a number of former Eastern Bloc nations had democratically elected governments. The Cold War formally ended in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which President Ronald Reagan had once called the "evil empire." The massive nuclear buildup that resulted from the artillery race diverted trillions of dollars that might have been spent on domestic programs, but a hot war had been averted.

START Treaty

On 31 July 1991, President George H.W. Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Treaty Betwixt the U.s. of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Artillery (Get-go Treaty), which express the number of ICBMs and nuclear warheads either land could possess. Weapons in excess of the agreed upon number would exist disarmed and silos destroyed.

Congress ratified the Starting time Treaty in October 1992. A month afterwards the signing of this treaty, political dissenters attempted a insurrection against Soviet leader Gorbachev and the fast unraveling Soviet Union finally collapsed. The signing of the Offset Treaty concluded disarmament talks that had begun virtually a decade earlier in the early 1980s. The collapse of the Soviet Spousal relationship in 1991 complicated implementation of the START Treaty. Onetime Soviet republics, all possessed Soviet nuclear weapons and agreed to comply with the treaty.


In the Us, the START agreement coincided with growing Air Strength disenchantment with the escalating costs associated with the older Minuteman Two organization. The Pentagon decided to deactivate the unabridged Minuteman II strength to comply with provisions of the arms-reduction treaty. On September 27, 1991, President George H.W. Bush announced on national telly a dramatic "plan for peace," designed to reduce the tensions of the nuclear age. As one component of his plan, he chosen for "the withdrawal from alert inside seventy- two hours, of all 450 Minuteman II intercontinental ballistic missiles."

Afterward the stand downward ordered by President Bush, the Air Force began the deactivation of Minuteman Two ICBM sites, including the 150 Minuteman silos and fifteen control centers at Ellsworth Air Forcefulness Base of operations in South Dakota. Additional Minuteman installations in Missouri and eastern N Dakota were also dismantled.

A complex process governed the deactivation and dismantlement of the silos. Each Air Force base removed missiles and other sensitive equipment and then they turned the sites over to the Regular army Corps of Engineers to begin the demolition. Devastation of the silos could exist accomplished either by implosion or past excavation. The silo site and then had to remain open for ninety days to allow Soviet satellites fourth dimension to verify that the removal complied with treaty provisions. Afterwards the ninety-twenty-four hours period, crews covered the silo with a concrete cap and graded the top of the silo opening with gravel.

The Offset Legacy

The First treaty negotiated the largest and most circuitous arms control treaty in history, and its final implementation in late 2001 resulted in the removal of about 80 percent of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence. With the total implementation of the treaty, the Delta Flight sites in Southward Dakota are the but surviving intact example of the original Minuteman configuration, designed
to implement the Common cold War policy of massive retaliation and is besides the only intact formerly operational Minuteman II site open to the public.

Clearly the international legacy of the Cold War remains. The commencement two generations of Minuteman missiles, yet, exercise not. Having negotiated an end to the Cold War, Soviet and American leaders recognized a need to remember this crucial moment in global history. Minuteman Missile National Celebrated Site is one such piece of the past and place of memory, preserved every bit a public space. These sites facilitate a public dialogue on the Cold State of war, nuclear weapons proliferation and disarmament, the part and dedication of Air Strength personnel, and the nation's political and military futurity.

How Did Arms Control Agreements Contribute To Reducing Tensions From The Arms Race,


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